A new Whse Qtys button is available to display the Warehouse/Item (SOC070) window to view warehouse quantity information from the Pricing view of SO Customer Inquiry. For the specified item, you can view the available, on-hand, and on-order quantities in each warehouse.
Order Entry (SOE210), Direct Invoice Entry (SOE320) and Order Confirmation (SOE310) Footer Screens
PreAuthorization utilization (ForceCapture): If any Credit Card pre-autorizations exist an ‘alert’ message,Note: PreAuths Exist, is displayed at the bottom/left of the Footer screen.
Credit Memo Entry (SOE330), Order Confirmation (SOE310), Counter Sale Entry (SOE340), Direct Invoice Entry (SOE320)
The Payments buttons on the main screen of the SO Entry Suite programs was removed, and it is only available now from the Footer screen.
Deposit/Payment Entry (SOC718)
A new transaction type, CC-Preauth, was added to Deposit/Payment Entry for Order Entry. I
ForceCapture CC Transaction window
Accessed by double-clicking a Pre-Auth line from any of the Invoice type documents, the amount defaults to the remaining balance of the invoice. You can specify a different amount as needed. Click OK to complete the processing and send the CenPOS ProcessCreditCard/ForceCapture Transact Web Service call.
When you complete the CenPOS processing the original entry program is re-displayed.
When running the Daily Sales Register (SOR315), if a document is converted to a back order then any existing pre-authorizations for that document are retained.
If a document is completed and deleted when the Daily Sales Register (SOR315) is run, then any existing pre-authorizations for that document are deleted and the pre-authorization is voided via a Web Service Call to CenPOS.